Friday, May 13, 2016

Gratitude Day 6 - Core Truth

I am grateful for my core drive that keeps me focused on our dreams, our projects and the things that we are creating.

The drum beat of my core purpose that I move and dance to.

Sure I get knocked down from time to time. Sometimes a whole lot more than I would like (or would like to admit!)  

But there is something that moves inside of me like the molten core of the Earth. My own core truth. It pulls me right back up and has me focused with more determination than ever.

I was listening to a talk by Barbara Corcoran the other day and I was like “yes! yes! yes!” She talked about success and she made a statement about the thing that separated the successful people from the rest was how quickly they could get back up when they get knocked down.
I know I have had my share of pity parties in my life but what I want to acknowledge and celebrate is how few and far between they are the older I get. Not only that, I spend more of my time not just on my feet, but running towards our goals.

I have realized that most times “knocked down” is just a state of mind for me.

So I would like to celebrate courage, tenacity, vision and success in all of us.  

Because what we celebrate 
we reciprocate!

Yes please! Thank You! May I have another!

Today let us all celebrate and have gratitude for the core drive in us that picks us up, keeps us going and fuels us with purpose in life.

Let's celebrate us!


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