Sunday, May 1, 2016

Help me share #positivevibes and #positiveart with #lovestones

An image can share a smile, a thought can change a mood. 

A little while back I was inspired to paint positive messages on rocks and sprinkle them around. I wanted to share art that could change moods, inspire thoughts and spread smiles.

 Part of this inspiration came from the amazing rocks that cover the Ventura's beaches. Tom and I agree that these have to be some of the most beautiful rocks we have ever seen all in one place. 

So kind of like a treasure hunt, I started taking rocks I had painted and placing them in random places with the intention of uplifting the people that may find them. I called them #LoveStones. 

There is always this little sparkle of joy that I get in imagining the path the #lovestone will take and where it will end up. Will the ocean take it as a gift or will someone see it & smile, or even take it home....

 And as I started posting them I thought, how amazing would it be if people all over the world started sharing #positivevibes and #positiveart 

 And any kind of art...... 
that we just randomly sprinkle around our community as a way to raise happiness, joy 
and lots and lots of smiles.

So I am sharing this post with you now. To ask you, to inspire you, to join together with me and think of all the ways that we can sprinkle #positivevibes and #positiveart.

Hashtag your art on instagram, twitter and facebook with #positivevibes, #positiveart or #lovestones and lets see how far this can go! 

Help me spread the word and share this with as many people as you can to get this idea going and lets see all the #LOVE ripple around the world!


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